There’s something unique and special in each country that attracts tourists from other countries. And Kazakhstan isn’t an exception. Why Kazakhstan is so attractive for tourists? First of ...
The monumental building “Astana-Baiterek” is one of the most famous sights of Kazakhstan. The images of this majestic tower can be seen on postcards or paintings; almost no one souvenir ca...
From ancient time Kazakh people lead a nomadic way of life, mainly engaged in hunting. The harsh conditions and difficult life has taught Kazakhs to live in harmony with nature, respect its beauty, co...
There’s tract Bektau-Ata just in 60 km from Balhash city. It attracts not only tourists but local people. Bektau-Ata is a real oasis in the semi-desert. There’s also underground river Tokr...
Folk songs occupy a special place in life and music of Kazakh people. Akyni (singers) sing songs with music accompaniment. The main national instrument is dombra, stringed musical instrument played by...
Kazakhstan nature is amazing not only with variety but its pristine creations. You know, almost every sight of this country has its legend. One of these amazing places is a “Grove of dancing bir...
Big Almaty Lake is one of the most beautiful lakes in Zaalayskiy Alatau Mountains, in Almatinka gorge. The length of the lake is 1.6 km, width from 0.75 to 1 km. The river Big Almatinka flows into the...
Aksu Dzhabagly is one of the oldest and the first reserves in Central Asia, located in the southern part of Kazakhstan, in the spur of the Western Tien Shan at an altitude from 1000 to 4280 met...
The first holiday in Kazakhstan is the Nowruz holiday or Spring Holiday, which originates from pre-Islamic history of the Kazakhs. This day the main holiday property is specially prepared dish nauryz-...
Nowruz-koje is the main dish of family holiday table. This traditional dish is cooked on Spring Festival Nowruz. This day people arrange folk festivals, sport events, games, as well as sing son...
Canyon Charyn (kaz.Sharyn) is situated along the river Charyn in Kazakhstan(200 km from Almata), stretches out at 154 km. Also known as “The Valley of castles”, ”Stone bag&rdqu...
Beshbarmak is the main dish of the Kazakh national cuisine (from Kyrgyz means "Besh" - five, "Barmak" - finger). Traditional beshbarmak is cooked from horse meat or mutton, for many people such prepar...
Kazakh national games took a great and important role in the life of the Kazakh people. It is known that they put people in good spirits, gave strength, agility and endurance. Most of these gam...
In the Northern Kazakhstan, between Astana and Kokchetav there is a wonderful region, real oasis – Borovoe. Geographically this place is named Kokchetav elevation, but the local guides ca...
Kazakh national clothes reflect the ancient traditions of Kazakhs and their national experience of employment. In addition, it was possible to determine the social status by traditio...
Bayanaul means “rich and happy mountains” from Mongol-Turkic. Bayanaul National Park has been declared since 1985. Zhasybai and Toraigyr Lakes are the main property of the park. One...
Thinking and mentality of people are changed, but habits and traditions of people are not changed. Nowadays there are people who honor and esteem the habits of their ancestors. Kazakh people are not e...
There are many wonderful and wise traditions in Kazakhstan. From early years the nomads have been keeping the human life, guided by the signs of Great Steppe. Every generation, not depending on the ep...
God created earth, people, nations and began to pass round mountains, lakes, rivers plains and fertile lands. He handed everything to all, but only the Kazakhs got the endless steppe. Then the s...
In ancient times two brothers-giants lived in the Altai highlands. The younger brother had dombra, and he loved very much to play it. He forgot about everything in the world when he began to play domb...
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