According to the travel service, on August 13, the number of requests for flights to Kazakhstan increased three times compared to the average level of the first decade of the month. Now it is at the level of August 2019.
The most popular air route to Kazakhstan is the city of
Almaty. Thus, the average bill for sold tickets for September - October from Moscow is
9839 rubles one way, 15 002 rubles there and back.
However, there is no tangible surge in sales yet. Apparently, the Russians want to wait for the official opening of flights.
Today, for those who arrive on international non-scheduled passenger flights, precautions are in place. We are talking about compulsory temperature measurement and filling out a questionnaire. Also, the passenger can be quarantined. If there is a certificate of examination for COVID-19 with a negative PCR result, from the moment of receipt of which no more than five days have passed at the time of crossing the state border of Kazakhstan, arriving people are allowed to move around the country.
The absence of such a certificate means the need to undergo a laboratory examination for COVID-19 at the place of stay for foreigners or at the place of residence for citizens of Kazakhstan within 48 hours from the day of arrival. Additionally, a home two-week quarantine is provided.